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Online Workshops


Out with the Old 2020

The Art of Letting Go with Gratitude
in the Heart

Yoga Workshop with Olga

Thursday, December 31st 

10-11:30 am   $30

“If you’re brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello. ~Paulo Coelho


You're in for a treat! We will simply slowdown in order to let go of things that didn’t serve us in 2020 while practicing gentle yin-restorative yoga.


This type of yoga is all about slowing down and opening your body through passive stretching, centering of your breath and body, and aligning the physical and mental by practicing stillness or gentle movement for extended periods of time.


The props assist in helping you to hold poses longer - about 5 min. During the holds of restorative yoga your muscles are allowed to relax deeply. It’s a unique feeling because props, rather than your muscles, are used to support your body. You may dim the lights and experience 60 luxurious minutes of self-care and deep relaxation.





Are you ready to let go of something that is no longer serving you? We will use a very simple ritual called “letting go”. We will also include gratitude in our ritual. Saying thank you for the lessons you have learned this year. You may be ready to let something go, but before you do, acknowledge the blessings that it brought, however small. 

In with the New 2021

“The Importance of Setting Intention
in Uncertain Times”
A Focused Gaze

New Year’s Day 2021 Yoga with Olga

Friday, January 1st

10-11:30 am   $30

Olga will start the New Year yoga workshop with her most favorite Sadhana For Morning Practice — all-around essential yoga sequence including cat-cow, spine flex, spine twists, front bends, life nerve stretch, butterfly, pelvic lifts, cobra pose, yoga mudra, Sufi grind, shoulder shrugs, neck rolls, and breathing. 


This series of exercises works systematically from the base of the spine to the top. All 26 vertebrae receive stimulation and all the energy centers receive a burst of energy. These poses increase the circulation of the spinal fluid, which contributes to greater mental clarity.




We will follow Olga’s New Year tradition from the past – where each participant will "pick” an inspirational word for 2021"- his/her personal inner Drishti. 


Drishti: in other words "a focused gaze" or "keep looking with sustained interest" is a means for developing concentrated intention. Starting new is most powerful when we focus our attention to what we are choosing to create. Making the choice to start anew has its own energy--it's a promise made to you. Once the journey has begun, it may take unexpected turns, but it never really ends.  Each time we choose to start anew we dedicate ourselves to becoming the best we are able to be. 



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