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Online Classes

Back to Yoga Basics – Vibrant Life after 50
“Gaining New Confidence in Your Body”
Online Yoga Course Fall 2022

Back to Yoga Basics – Vibrant Life after 50  is an online course for people 50+ (give or take a decade ) who perhaps tried yoga before but would benefit from learning the correct principles of alignment and keeping their joints and spine safe while practicing yoga again.


Who is it for?


It’s for people who have always been curious about yoga but never tried it and would like to practice it under the supervision of an experienced yoga teacher who can devise and demonstrate modifications tailored to their special needs, injuries and chronic pains.  Back to Yoga Basics – Vibrant Life after 50  is a pathway to regain confidence in yourself, in both  body and life attitude.

Back to Yoga Basics – Vibrant Life after 50

8-week online course for people 50+ (give or take a decade ) 


September 12 through October 31, 2022 

4:30 p.m. EDT

8 classes total 

(Each class is 60 minutes long:  45 minutes Yoga Practice + 15 minutes Instruction)


Via Zoom

If you cannot attend the live Zoom class, the recording of each class will be sent the next day after the class was broadcast.

You will have lifetime access to all classes and materials.




Choosing a safe pathway under a guidance of an experienced master yoga teacher.

This course is the best way to learn the basics of yoga with a master yoga teacher with 40 years of yoga teaching experience who can offer a safe pathway to practice yoga for any body condition and help you to feel great in your body again. By the end of the course you will experience what the boost of energy feels like from practicing yoga, you will increase muscle mass and  bone strength.


I have created this course for the specific age 50+ group because I am 60, I have practiced yoga for over 45 years and I know what an amazing  difference it makes in my day to get up every morning, practice and feel great for the rest of the day!  I am passionate about helping people 50+ who would love to feel alive again, who would like to find a way to exercise yoga safely without fear of hurting themselves or without wondering if the teacher has enough knowledge and experience to guide them. 


My promise to those in this course is that they will no longer wonder how to stretch their body in the safest way, and will find new joy to live and motivation to get on yoga mat daily, because they will experience how amazing it feels to do yoga properly for their age.


Course Outcomes

Back to Yoga Basics – Vibrant Life after 50 online course will bring you the following outcomes:

  1. You will become the most functional that you have been for a long time.

  2. You will understand and be able to apply the basic yoga alignment principles in all 41 poses taught in the course.

  3. You will be clear on what’s your daily yoga routine that serves your body’s needs the best.

  4. You will be able to return at least to one physical activity that isn’t possible for you right now.

  5. Your balance will improve 100%.

  6. Your mood will be more stable.

  7. You will be more relaxed and less anxious.

  8. You will create a new and empowering healthy relationship with yourself.

  9. You will become an example of what's possible. 

  10. You will create your personal mission of how and why to take care of yourself daily, going forward with no excuses.


You will learn...


In the 8-week online course you will learn 41 yoga postures, their variations and modifications. Secondly, each week you will learn 8 mindfulness practices to create a friendly and transformational relationship with your body and self. These two approaches will help you  become an example of what's possible in your 50s and beyond, and reclaim confidence to maintain your newly active life.


Each week you will be introduced to a new theme, eight in total. 

Each week’s theme includes 4-5 new yoga poses and easy to understand alignment principles to practice yoga safely.

You will be introduced weekly to one specific mindfulness practice (2-5 min long)  to help you to meet yourself in a new, lighter perspective and start creating the life you want to live.

Each week, you will have a choice of either a short (10 minute) or longer (45 minute) yoga practice that will set you on a journey for your home practice. 

You will be encouraged to practice yoga 5 times per week (one of them will be the weekly class that will be taught via Zoom). 

You will be able to ask any questions regarding your practice, either after each live class or via email. 


Value of total Course Package:

  • Back to Yoga Basics – Vibrant Life After 50 Online Course:  $800

  • Lifetime Access to the Course:  $400 (16 recorded video yoga lessons)

  • Special Bonus: “7 Days of Calm” (7 short five-minute meditation practices):  $100

  • Ticket to The Mindful Compassion Live Mastermind Class in November:  $60

  • Learning from Master Yoga Teacher with 40 years of experience:  PRICELESS

  • Back to Yoga Basics – Vibrant Life After 50 community:  PRICELESS


Total Value:  $1360

Special Offer:  $349 (expires on September 11`th)



Outline for the Course


Week 1 Theme: Being Present. You will learn how to observe and respond appropriately to whatever arises in your body in standing yoga poses. These poses activate and open up the legs, create a sense of presence, grounding, centering and connection. 


The following poses will be introduced:


  1. Mountain

  2. Triangle

  3. Warrior 1 

  4. Warrior 2

  5. Standing Forward Bend

  6. Cat-Cow


II. Befriend Yourself Practice #1: Witness self -- a special 5 minute mindfulness practice to teach you how to connect with yourself with kindness.


Week 2 Theme: Awakening Connection. You will learn Sun Salutation and its variations and choose from a variety of options as to what is the best for your body and condition. Sun Salutations, or Surya Namaskar, can be a complete practice in and of itself. These 12 poses linked in a series can lengthen and strengthen, flex and extend many of the main muscles of the body while distributing the prana (life) flow throughout the system.


The following poses will be introduced:


  1. Lunge

  2. Down Dog and it’s modifications (using a chair)

  3. Locust 

  4. Tree 

  5. Eagle Pose


II. Befriend Yourself Practice #2: One-pointed attention -- we will learn the importance of constraint and focusing on one thing at a time, rather than trying to do too many things which can overwhelm and confuse the brain.


Week 3 Theme: Opening into Unknown. You will  learn a safe pathway to gentle backbending. The backbending poses awaken your nervous system and energize your  entire body. These poses reverse your habitual posture (which for most of us is somewhat rounded, hunched) and can bring you to a more centered place in your posture  and in your emotional body.


The following poses will be introduced:


  1. Chair Pose

  2. Supported Bridge

  3. Half Moon

  4. Reclined Big Toe Pose

  5. Reclined Cobbler’s Pose

  6. Cow-Face Pose


II. Befriend Yourself Practice #3: Let go of what doesn’t serve you anymore – you will  learn how you can gain peace and have courage to let go of some personal beliefs about yourself that no longer give benefit and are holding you back.


Week 4 Theme: Allowing Receptivity. You will be introduced to twists. They have the power to cleanse you emotionally and physically. Yoga twists leave you feeling as if you can let  go of things that have settled deep inside your body, not just on your mind or on the surface of your heart but that have embedded themselves in your tissues and vital organs


The following poses will be introduced:


  1. Seated Cross Legs Twist

  2. Sideways Wide Angle Pose

  3. Lord of the Fishes

  4. One Leg Down Dog

  5. Boat Pose

  6. Extended Lateral Angle Pose


II. Befriend Yourself Practice #4-- (Ahimsa) – Dropping self judgment. In this practice you will learn how finding little things to love about yourself and others can warm and heal your heart.


Week 5 Theme: Listening Inward. Introducing gentle forward bends. These poses have a quieting effect, allowing you to restore your body and your nervous system. The backbends open and release the rear of your body which supports you throughout the entire day.


The following poses will be introduced:

  1. One Leg Forward Bend

  2. Crossed-Legs Forward Bend

  3. Ease Crossed Ankles Seated Pose

  4. Seated Forward Bend

  5. Staff Pose

  6. Restorative Child Pose


II. Befriend Yourself Practice #5 (Santhosa) Contentment -- learn how to be satisfied right where you are, with exactly what you have, 


Week 6 Theme: Expending Orientation – Learning Neutral Poses. These are transition yoga poses that allow your body to find its natural balance after you do a sequence that tends to take your body in a single direction. You will learn what they are and when is the right time to include them between poses.


The following poses will be introduced:


  1. Standing Wide Angle Forward Bend

  2. Revolved Triangle Pose

  3. Cow Pose

  4. Lord Of the Fishes 2

  5. Hero Pose

  6. Legs Up Against The Wall


II. Befriend Yourself Practice #6 (Svadhyaya) -- Speak Kindly to Yourself. learn how to be aware of your thoughts, find new ways to be open and positive about yourself and your place in the wild world. 

Week 7 Theme: Healthy Spine. Without a healthy spine, everyday tasks and movements such as sitting up straight, bending over, picking up objects, walking, twisting and moving your neck can become extremely difficult or painful. You will learn how yoga can create better range of motion, better posture, stronger core and improved balance to help your spine stay healthy, strong and supple. 


The following poses will be introduced:


  1. Single knee to chest pose

  2. Bird-Dog

  3. Happy Baby Pose

  4. Garland Pose

  5. Gate Pose

  6. Revolved Chair


II. Befriend Yourself Practice #7 (Dhyana) - Meditation. It  might sound off-the-wall but it’s one of the oldest disciplines practiced by wise people in every part of  the world. You will choose from different options and find which technique works best for you.


Week 8 Theme: Falling in Love with Relaxation. In this special grand finale of the course, you will learn how to relax, get helpful tips on how to set up your yoga mat, blankets, pillows and other props for the most comfortable relaxation pose that fits your personal needs. You will learn the three most effective relaxation techniques that will help you fall in love with the art of  relaxation.


II. Befriend Yourself Practice #8 – Relaxation. Relaxation in yoga provides complete mental and physical relaxation aided by the nervous system connecting the two of them. You will learn about one of the most powerful yoga techniques called Yoga Nidra. (It might become one of the most favorite things in your suitcase.)


What People Say About Olga:


"Olga is amazing. She is calm, focused, professional and kind. I could not have imagined a better teacher and coach. The stress relief in addition to the physical relief is more than expected. I recommend her without reservation". ~Susan C


"As a dedicated novice yogi, I have become drawn to the practice of yoga as a therapy for an ongoing back problem. Olga was my first teacher who introduced me to the practice, and I have subsequently taken many classes with Olga as well as with a variety of instructors at several establishments. I can openly and honestly declare that Olga is the best teacher that I have encountered. Her anatomical knowledge, her gift for sequencing poses, and her attention to detail set her apart. I truly appreciate her approach, as it stems from both a physical and a spiritual basis with a focus on proper form and alignment. I am in awe of her expertise, and she is an inspiration from which to study." ~ Anna C. 


"For 10 years I have practiced Iyengar yoga with Olga, so I learned to appreciate when Olga spends a lot of time discussing alignment, and the reasons behind why we do certain sequences of poses. Olga has vast knowledge in different areas, and I trust that the class is well thought out with certain goals in mind. This trust helps me to surrender my doubts and leave it in the hands of a professional. I walk out every week with the tools and skills to advance in yoga practice, feel great, restored and rejuvenated. ~Angela R.


Olga's deep knowledge of anatomy, structures and functions help me to capture the essence of the poses I was relearning.  Olga has the innate ability to meet me where I am when I walk in her studio. I know that on occasions, Olga has 'redesigned' her session so that I was able to meet my challenges at that particular moment. My session is designed for me! Ten months down the road, standing tall and erect, my aches and pains are much diminished. I find peace within. My 68 years old body doesn't ache anymore, my feet are firmly grounded, my neck range of motion improves, and my pelvis level is more in balance. I feel young with more energy to devote to my patients and people I love". ~ Margie S.

"Following hip replacement surgery and at the urging of my daughter, I began a series of weekly private yoga sessions with Olga to complement and enhance the physical therapy treatments my doctor prescribed. I arrived at my first session with Olga, unable to drive myself, unable to easily get up from a chair, and definitely unable to sit on my yoga mat. Thanks to Olga's careful attention to every aspect of my alignment and movements and to the progressive asanas she introduced me to as she saw I was able to safely challenge myself, 12 sessions later I am (almost!) able to resume the personal yoga practice I enjoyed years ago. I cannot recommend Olga and her caring, knowledgeable approach to yoga highly enough. She has helped me get my life back again!" ~Lynn 



All the classes will be taught online via Zoom. 

Each class will be recorded and you will have life-time access to the course.   


Learn yoga fundamentals with expert guidance. The course is a total of EIGHT classes. It’s a comprehensive and structured program available to you online. It will help to build a safe and foundation for your yoga 50+ practice. 


Who is this course for?

  • Individuals 50+ (give or take a decade) new to yoga

  • Anyone 50+ needing to revisit basic yoga principles

If this is you, start your yoga journey here!


How will learning yoga help me?

People try yoga for varying reasons. Perhaps you are interested in sport and want to improve your performance or minimize your injury risk. Maybe you need a tool to manage stress. These are all good reasons to try yoga.


What do I get from this course?

  • A comprehensive and structured introduction to yoga for people 50+ using the proper hatha yoga (alignment focus) method

  • You will learn 41 yoga poses and 8 mindfulness practices in 8 weeks

  • Essential foundations and key principles clearly communicated to help you to be safe and practice yoga while avoiding an injury

  • Step by step tracking of your progression through the course

  • Email support from your teacher

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