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Vitamins For The Soul

  • 25 Steps


Hello Friend! While I was living in Czechoslovakia, I created unique, tenderhearted mindfulness practices -- “Vitamins for the Soul.” I taught the "vitamins" over a decade of annual summer transformational retreats during the time of communism. I was introduced to the “vitamins” by my Czech mentor and yoga teacher Otakar Vojkuvka when i was only 18 years old. Vitamins for the Soul are seven essential tenderhearted practices that serve as a catalyst for learning how to expand from within and become the light of the world within your personal relationships, home, community, work, and the world beyond. These soul vitamins are: 1. Awe 2. Esteem 3. Curiosity 4. Joy 5. Gratitude 6. Love 7. Peace My life has been driven by a continuous desire to expand from within and to bring transformation in people’s life and help them to find joy. I would love to share these vitamins for the soul with others to uplift and to help them in answering the questions, "How can I experience greater meaning and fulfillment in my life?" and "How can I make a more meaningful contribution and live a more fulfilling life?" Need a reason to dive in? Here are two: 1. It's an opportunity to focus on YOU for an hour – your dreams, your desires, and your emotional well-being. 2. Get practical tips and insights on how to apply the concept of "vitamins for the soul" to your personal and professional life.

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